Hello everyone. It’s been a minute.
Over the last year, I’ve had to put this blog on the shelf, because frankly, growing a human is exhausting.
There’s been a lot of new faces on my social media, and with the expansion of Tired Witch, now being added to Youtube, I thought it was high time to remind people what I do here, as I transition into regularly blogging again.
My name is Robyn Valentine. Hi! How are you? I am the author of a book called Magickal Tarot, which recently had a second printing with a companion tarot deck. Magickal Tarot is my first baby. Its focus is on Major Arcana, and the symbolism within it. With this knowledge we can reapply its correspondences in our favor, to be reapplied into magic and spellwork.

I am also the co-host of a podcast I am incredibly proud of called Coffee and Cauldrons, shared with the beautiful and talented Maria. This podcast has been a passion project of both of ours for 3 years now, and it’s something I can say with confidence we are both incredibly proud of.
Here at Tired Witch, I have been known to do things like witchcraft book reviews, tarot deck reviews, beginner witch tips, recipes, opinion pieces, and spell work. Historically I’ve done a monthly segment that I called “Tarotscopes“. This is an installment that I do once a month that is a horoscope meets tarot reading. These are collective readings for the variety of astrological signs, giving us an outlook in the month ahead. Just like regular blogging that had to go on the back burner, as I was too exhausted to keep up with these extra things. However, now that we’re transitioning back, you can look forward to seeing them again.

My life has had a lot of changes in the last year, and it will continue to have more changes in the year ahead. I gave birth to my beautiful baby in the summer of this last year, as well as my husband and I are about to embark on an international move. With this move, I plan on opening up a physical location for my shop. If you are new here, my shop used to sell witchcraft supplies. Sadly this too had to go on the back burner as I deserved and needed maternity leave, immediately followed by packing to move. This too will be reopening this year and I am very excited to share that with you all.
But long story short is there have been a lot of really big changes for me, but they’ve all been positive. And there are going to be even more changes ahead. However, I’m very excited to be back to blogging regularly and introducing vlogging on my YouTube as well as expanding this blog to that platform. The first video of which, will be out before this week is over! I’m excited to see where this grows and I am even more excited to take you all with me. Thanks for sticking around even though I need a break.