Featured Tarot Deck: Paracelsus’ Dreams Tarot
Some notable dates this month include:
Full Moon in Aries: October 1st
Blue Full Moon in Taurus: October 31st
New Moon in Libra: October 16th
Aries: Mar 21 – Apr 20

Well Aries, starting off the Ten of Cups in reverse is not really a great sign. This can tell us that our home life or our relationship might experience some troubles. Sometimes these two things go hand-in-hand. Really when the Ten of Cups is in reverse it’s usually down to misunderstandings and miscommunication. Before getting hostile, try to take a step back and ask questions that would potentially bring you clarity to your frustration. Sometimes we just go through periods of miscommunication, especially with Mars in retrograde, and because of that miscommunication can quickly turn to anger. If possible instead of arguing, try to talk it out. And if you can’t talk about it out learn to be the bigger person and walk away even though your fiery nature might pull you to react first.
Taurus: April 21- May 21

Oh Taurus, this month might be a bit of a struggle for you. Strength tells us that that bull inside of you needs to be tamed this month. Strength represents having to prioritize self-discipline and although you might want to charge in the situations it’s time to slow down and pause. Instead of being a “bull in a China shop,” try to tame that inner beast. You’re going to have to have a gentle touch, instead of using brute force. This month is going to be a test for you and it’s not going to be easy. However, if you’re able to control your spiritual power to overcome material temptations it will put you in a position of overall positivity and power. Strength is all about having the courage to stand up to the beast, while simultaneously meeting it with the soft hand. You might find yourself in a position this month where you have to overcome major obstacles whether it’s a person or situation. Remember that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
Gemini: May 22- June 21

Oh, Gemini we hate to see it. The Four of Wands, but in reverse are indicative of a lack of stability due to a lack of closure. You might find yourself in a situation but you need to let go of an energy or a person. However, you’re unable to do so because you never got the closure you either desire or even deserve. Although a lack of closure is of course a valid feeling, if you aren’t able to learn to let it go at least a little bit you’re going to be holding yourself back for a very long time. Sometimes in life, we get in situations where we don’t get closure and that’s not fair and the feeling is of course so valid. However just because it’s a valid feeling doesn’t change the fact that there are no things we can change about it. Accepting that to move forward is the only option here. Otherwise, you’ll be stuck in a rut for quite some time.
Cancer: June 22- July 22

As a Cancer myself, I feel like I wanna say we got this card a few months ago. The Moon is a card of illusions and can warn against having a too wild of an imagination. It’s just that the creatures in the dark are simply shadows playing tricks of our mind. It’s a bit of a paranoid card and I hate seeing it not just for you but for me as well. The Moon tells us that things that we are afraid of, really aren’t as bad as they seem it’s our own anxiety playing tricks. Although these fears are so valid, I would say that this month would be one to take a step back and make sure that we are actually freaking out about things that are realistic and not just fantasy. Is it tricky balance but I feel like you can find it, as long as you pause to reflect before acting

Leo: July 23- August 23
The Two of Wands, my Leo babies, is a card of crossroads. You are no a forward trajectory in your life and that is amazing, however, it does suggest that essentially you are at an impasse. You are currently or are about to come to a point where decisions need to be made. When we get this car in reading it tells us that we need to stop, think, and finally make a decision to go. You’re on a forward journey, and although pausing to make the correct decision is always a great choice, it is time to make a decision to continue moving forward. Don’t sit on your hands. Your intuition is your greatest tool. If you’ve been between two things this month, make a choice, follow your instinct, and keep moving forward.
Virgo: August 24- September 22

The Hermit suggests to us that during the month of October soul-searching is not only required but it’s going to take place. You might come across others as though you’re isolating but in reality, you were doing some selective alone time. You might be choosing to remove yourself from situations that you are now beginning to realize are toxic. And although it may be a painful transition, it is one that leads you to a brighter path. The Hermit suggests that the end conclusion for the month is going to be a very bright future. However, it will be a journey that you have to make on your own. Cut ties with anyone or any situation in your life, that is no longer serving you.
Libra: September 23- October 23

Well, Libra, for an astrological sign such as yours that relies so heavily on balance, the Five of Wands in reversed quite frankly is the exact opposite. It’s just to us that a competition that you’re in whether you mean to be or accidentally found yourself in, has turned underhanded and you are completely out of your league. Things might escalate and you might find yourself making sacrifices that you do not want to be making. Remember that having a “win at all costs” mentality is neither helpful to you or your cause. If it feels like everybody is against you, it might be because they actually are. I know when to say enough is enough and to walk away from the situation take your Five of Wands Reversed and turn it into a Five of Swords. It’s OK to say I’m out of my league I’m done.
Scorpio: October 24- November 22

When we get the King of Pentacles in reverse it tends to be a little greedy. This king, unlike his upright self who has everything that you could possibly want and recognizes this, in reverse we see the exact opposite. This is a king who has everything that he could possibly want and yet still craves more because it’s not enough for him. As a partner, he can be a bit controlling, manipulative, and just a general egotistical asshole. When we get this card for a reading it tells us that we need to check ourselves and check those around us. Either somebody directly in our life or ourselves is this jerk. If somebody is being a manipulative asshole in your life greedy in an understanding, learn to walk away. If it is you who is being the asshole, have a word with yourself on your own levels of gratitude.
Sagittarius: November 23- December 21

Oh Sagittarius, the Five of Swords indicates that this month is going to be a rocky one. The upside is that now that you know about it and you can prepare for it. It does tell us to know our limitations and know what we are willing to put up with. If things get too hard it’s OK to walk away there’s no shame in saying that you can’t do something. I know a lot of people will sit here and say “oh you can do anything you put your mind to,” but sometimes the odds are genuinely just not in your favor. I think often that mentality falls under the category of toxic positivity because there is nothing wrong with knowing your own boundaries and limitations. There’s no point in putting blood sweat and tears into something that will never pay off. Know your limitations, know your boundaries, prepare accordingly, and know when to say enough is enough.
Capricorn: December 22- January 20

The Queen of Pentacles in reverse can be a bit of a helicopter parent. There are things in our life that we can focus on and put energy into to have the outcome that we want. Such as our career, our social life, and our family situation. But there are also things in our life that require no real effort, and instead, it needs to naturally evolve. Because of that, in these situations, if we put too much pressure on it we actually can push it to break. Now I would suggest that we focus this month on the things that we can control my Capricorn babies. If we focus on the things that we cannot, it will put us in a position I’m going absolutely mental. It’s fair of course to worry about any aspect of your life, but if it consumes your mind, the anxiety can be what is driving the ship and no one wants that.
Aquarius: January 21- February 18

The Ace of Wands is incredible card to see for any time. It tells us that this month has a very strong potential outcome especially in terms of creativity and self-expression. This is a card that tells us that essentially you’re able to reach your own potential if you’re willing to work for it. Although the potential is there just like it is with any ace, you have to do the follow-through to watch it come to life. It’s a great indication that if you’ve had any kind of roadblocks in 2020 in terms of your career and just generally moving forward in life, that this month is finally going to allow you the space to get your life moving again. The beginning of any new journey can be tricky but this card does remind us to solidly keep moving forward and keep trying because you were at a breakthrough.
Pisces: February 19- March 20

Last but not least Pisces, the Eight of Cups in reverse tells us that you might be returning to a relationship that you had previously walked away from. This could be a relationship with a person, place, situation, or even energy. It tells us that when you walked away from it previously it was a healthy separation, and now and you’re returning. You and whatever you’re returning to is also coming together on healthy terms. Although you may have trepidations with moving forward, do so with a guard only half lifted. I do think of the return of this relationship is going to be positive, but I think it’s also healthy and normal to be wary. Do I have your walls up all the way but also listen to your intuition.