I was contacted a few months ago about reviewing this deck and I have to say, the very idea of it got me so revved up! I personally am a visual and active learner. I, therefore, learn by doing but also by seeing the symbolism and relating that to the meaning. Sometimes even now I will get stuck on a card for a second, and I have to think to the RWS interpretation to remember what the card looks like, to remember the meaning. This deck, however, is perfect for active learners, who also love the flashcard approach! And I think its absolutely brilliant.

This deck is currently available on Etsy for 48 dollars, coming with a complete 78 card deck, box, and small booklet. This deck follows traditional meanings and although it does contain RWS imagery, or their own, it is easy to read and has a description of the traditional imagery on each card.
The Court Cards are as follows:
- Page=Page
- Knight=Knight
- Queen=Queen
- King=King
The Card Specs are as follows:
- 78 circular cards
- 2.75” x 4.75”
- Tuck Card Box
- 8-page accordion insert pamphlet showcasing common spreads and other helpful information

My first impressions of this deck!
I think this deck is outlandishly brilliant. Especially for those who thrive in a flashcard set. It’s like a tarot deck meets flashcards and especially if that’s the kind of learner you are, I hands down recommend this.
First impressions of this deck, I was a little disappointed in the cardstock, however, my opinion changed after a few passes. The thing is I realized I was applying expectations for this deck, to one I would want to use every day for the next ten years. A learner deck, well you wouldn’t necessarily want that. NOW, that being said, you may be assuming I am implying, well this is poor quality, and therefore its fine cuz its a learner. That’s not the case. The cardstock is light and bendable but not flimsy. It actually reminds me of a lot of the Antique Anatomy cardstock. It’s easy to practice different shuffle styles with this deck, another great learner tool. It fits in my tiny baby hands easy and makes shuffling a breeze. Although the cardstock isn’t heavy-duty, it also doesn’t need to be. The point of the deck is to learn, and part of learning is learning what shuffling works for you, and with that this deck fits that Bill to a T.

I enjoy that this deck has both upright and reversals, and they are printed respectively making it easy to tell which direction you pulled despite the lack of imagery. I also enjoy the zodiac and elemental associations listed with each card, adding that extra layer of information you may not realize is relevant until many years down the line. Instead, they present it for you right from the get and I find that to be incredibly valuable.
This deck I feel is great for people who want to learn, but don’t want both a book and a deck. This deck, in my opinion, is perfect for closeted witches and baby witches. It’s discrete, while informative and effective.

Simple Ratings:



Quality of Card Weight

Suitable for Beginners: