Tired Witch

July 2020 Tarotscopes

Featured Tarot Deck: Flux Arcana

Some notable dates this month include:

Full Moon in Capricorn: July 4th

New Moon in Cancer: July 20th (yes two back to back New Moon’s in Cancer)

Aries: Mar 21 – Apr 20

What a fitting card to start off our tarotscopes with, as the Chariot is associate with the Zodiac sign Cancer, the season we are currently in while I type this. The Chariot is all about being in control. The Chariot asks you to be aware of your emotions and rein them in. Be in control of who you are and where you are going. Don’t let your emotions overtake you.

The month we want to use your fears and emotions constructively. Don’t let go of the horse’s reins. Use them to steer you in the right direction. Victory will be yours through discipline and confidence. Even as the world is going crazy, make sure interpersonal you are in charge of who you are and how you are feeling.

Taurus: April 21- May 21

Taurus, the month of July calls for the energy of patience. Again, two months in a row now we see a need for you to slow down and tame the figurative beast. Patience is a form of love. We are surrounded by people right now, who are refusing to get with the program, and that can be frustrating. Remember, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, especially when we are looking at educating those who we love, not strangers in the street.

Strength can represent having the inner resolve and self-discipline to conquer desire. You’ll need to use fortitude and strength of character. Use love instead of force. You can get more out of someone using sugar and honey than brute force.

Gemini: May 22- June 21

Gemini, July is the month of giving. Although you may not be in a financial standpoint to tackle charity work, there are other ways you can get involved. Think about when you have too much of something, you donate that to those who could use it. This could be simple acts from clearing out old clothes and dropping them off at a nearby shelter, to volunteering in a program near you.

Remember that getting involved does not mean you have to be wealthy, and it does not mean you need to dedicate your life to it. Balance, something you Gemini’s are equally good at and struggle with. You can find it, just do a little self-reflection before pushing forward.

Cancer: June 22- July 22

Happy Birthday, Cancer. This month we are looking at the theme of growth. The Queen of Pentacles traditionally has a fertile background and because of this, we look to the growth of our homelives. The fertile background is metaphoric for anything that grows abundantly. Combine this fertile metaphor with the gigantic coin she is holding and we get the business theme. So whether you are wanting to watch your family grow or your bank account, this is the month for you! Look to the things you want to grow this month, plant the seed, and water it. You’ve got the magick touch.

Leo: July 23- August 23

The Knight of Wands Leo comes as quickly as it goes. Expect this month’s fling or interest, to be rapid and whirlwindy… then ghosting you. This could be anything from a literal person you are having a romantic interest with, to a hobby you’re suddenly completely obsessed with.

Similarly speaking, you may find that a situation resolves itself quickly this month. Make sure that if you decide to do a bold move, that you have thought it through all the way and it won’t come as a detriment. It may even be a desperate situation where you need to make a move quickly, but don’t want to.

Virgo: August 24- September 22

Law and Order, Virgos – law, and order. The Hierophant is all about doing the “right thing.” The right thing is the thing that is the most common in some cases, or the thing that goes against the vast majority for the greater good. Because of this, it may feel natural for many people because it’s programmed into our brains from an early age. While other people know that they are doing the right thing, but it goes against their closest relatives or surroundings.

On the other side of the Hierophant, you might feel a bit lost or aimless, but don’t act irrationally. It’s not a time to jump in and act without planning. Look for guidance to others who are well established in whatever field or project you are working with. Remember to lean on those who maybe know more than yourself.

Libra: September 23- October 23

Libra, lordy… well the Five of Cups signifies the month of July could be better for you. The Five of Cups signals an emotional loss. This could be anything from a breakup to dealing with the concept that your visions/ideas aren’t what you expected them to be. The Five of Cups urges you to see the light in the darkness. If you choose to see only the empty cups then it is truly a loss, but you can turn around and see the open cups. You don’t have to see the “glass half empty”, but “half full”. Remember that although your upset is of course valid as hell, not everything is doom and gloom. Find helpers. Find the silver lining. It’s always there. Even if you just acknowledge it. This isn’t to say you should ignore your feelings or press down in some love and light kind of way. Just know its not always going to be like this.

Scorpio: October 24- November 22

The Lover’s reversed is very similar to the energy your friend the Libra’s are experiencing this month. The Lovers card represents a lack of balance within a relationship, platonic or otherwise. Everything is related to everything else. You may be in a situation where you are giving too much or taking too much. Take a step back and reflect on where the imbalances are, so you can move forward to correct these problems.

When we see this card, relationships can dissolve and communication has blockages. Outside of relationships, you may find yourself moving on from jobs that are no longer working for you.

Sagittarius: November 23- December 21

The Seven of Wands can indicate your fears of everyone being against you. You may find yourself in a situation where there is a bit of paranoia. And this paranoia may be completely just, or it may be stemmed from something real that your anxiety has extrapolated on. You may find yourself this month feeling extra defensive. Be mindful that you don’t unnecessarily attack someone. Your feelings maybe more illusion than reality.

It can also indicate that you are up against your family with a sole opinion. You think your opinion is correct and you won’t budge on it. You are the underdog, the defender. Know your position and master it because you’ll need it to win a victory.

Capricorn: December 22- January 20

Oof, another rough and tumble month Capricorns. There is a lack of growth with the Empress reversed and possibly arguments with a maternal figure. When the Empress is reversed we look at bad mothers, smothering, and hovering over us keeping us from just doing a task on our own. It indicates a mother whose intentions are good, but the execution is poor. This can be down to us micromanaging projects in our life. Being a “mother” does not always mean biological children and childbirth. It can also mean creative projects or the work that we nurture like it’s our child. Make sure you aren’t overdoing it.

Aquarius: January 21- February 18

Aquarius you need to take a nap. The Four of Swords is reminding you that now is a time to rest. You may want to take a relationship break. It can indicate a relationship or work break. You could also be ensnared in a troublesome mental battle of the wits, only to need the calmness that comes with rest.

The Four of Swords indicate a place of relaxation, contemplation, and meditation.  If you don’t already practice any forms of meditation, this may be the month you dip your toes in the water. Give it a shot, remember resting is work. You aren’t going to master it right away and that is OKAY.

Pisces: February 19- March 20

We absolutely LOVE to see this, Pisces. Family happiness is a sure thing if you get the Ten of Cups. It can foretell of long nights spent with your family doing a craft project or watch family movies together. You enjoy making meals together and they taste so good because they come from your heart. It can indicate that you are very happy doing all these things together. The Ten of Cups is the perfect description of family unity and happiness.

Remember that family is who we chose and what we make of it. Not always our biological kin. Lean on them, love with them, and grow together. You guys have got this and they really are in your corner. So enjoy it! 🙂

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