Tired Witch

Beltane Correspondence

What is Beltane?

Beltane marks the midpoint of Spring. In the Northern Hemisphere Beltane is celebrated May 1st, while in the Southern Hemisphere it is celebrated on October 31st. Beltane is a celebration of fertility and new life in all its forms. This is a period we acknowledge and celebrate the fertility of the land and the spring buds begin to flower. Animals begin to mate and fall pregnant. With the darkness of winter truly behind us, the creation of new ideas may be forming. Beltane marks the second major cycle of the year, the return of Summer.

This is a truly passionate time. We see Pagan Hand-fasting Ceremonies, and dancing around the May Pole. Spring has Sprung, and all the fertility that comes with it.

The God emerges into manhood and unites with the Goddess. She falls pregnant, ensuring new life after the harvest.

Symbolically, Beltane represents fertilizing the animals and crops for the rest of the year.

Also known as: Rudemas, Roodmas, Rood Day, May Day, Faery Day, the Festival of Flowers, Sacred Thorn Day, Beltaine, Beltain, and Thrimilce.

Copyright Prem Shah for Beltane Fire Society. All Rights Reserved. www.beltane.org / www.facebook.com/beltanefiresociety

Offerings- Bread, Cereals, Cherries, Dairy, Eggs, Flowers, Green Salads, Honey, Oatmeal Cakes, Ribbons, Shellfish, Strawberries, Strings of Beads, Wine

Herbs- Almond shrub/tree, Angelica, Ash, Bluebells, Cinquefoil, Clover, Daisy, Dittany of Crete, Elder, Foxglove, Frankincense, Hawthorn, Honeysuckle, Ivy, Lilac, Lily of the Valley, Marigold, Meadowsweet, Mint, Mugwort, Primrose, Rose, Rowan, Sorrel, St, John’s Wort, Thyme, Woodruff, Yarrow; Basically all Flowers

Deities- Artemis, Bes, Flora, Hera, Pan, Venus

Colors- Red and White (traditionally seen on the May Pole), as well as Pink

Incense- Frankincense, Jasmine, Lilac, Marigold, Meadowsweet, Passionflower, Rose, Sage, Tuberose, Vanilla, Woodruff

Trees- Ferns, Hawthorn, Oak, Rowan, Willow

Stones- Amber, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Citrine, Emerald, Fire Agate, Fire Opal, Green Apatite, Green Aventurine, Green Moss Agate, Malachite, Moonstone, Red Jasper, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Watermelon Tourmaline, White Agate, Yellow Jasper

Zodiac- Taurus

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