Featured Tarot Deck: Modern Witch Tarot, and Tarot Cloth by BunnyDee
Some notable dates this month include:
Full Moon in Libra: April 7th
New Moon in Taurus: April 22nd
Aries: Mar 21 – Apr 20

The World shows us that there is a chapter coming to a close for you Aries. This could be anything from getting a degree to having a baby. You may find yourself a bit resistant to this end of an era, and who can blame you- change can be terrifying! But all good things do come to an end, and open us up for a bright new chapter! Look forward to what comes next, even if its a bit scary!
In some cases, the World can leave us feeling like we’ve done everything we have wanted to accomplish, and now there is nothing left to do. This may leave you feeling a bit sit crazy. Start something completely new, that you’ve never done before! We’re all in lockdown. Pick up knitting, learn a new language. Make up work for yourself, in an area that you have an interest in.
Taurus: April 21- May 21
You may have found yourself feeling a bit disconnected from your intuition. Something is off and although you may not be able to tell exactly what it is, you know that there’s a disconnect. You need time to reflect and listen to the wind and the moon. Introspection will usually lead us to our inner goals, thoughts, and feelings. Take some time to yourself to consider your life and look for help from those more experienced. If you find you have no time for yourself, then make yourself a priority.
She often indicates heartbreak of one kind or another. The disconnect from your intuition may be down your partner misbehaving behind your back, and at your core you KNOW it, but you chose to ignore it. This is only an example Taurus, don’t freak out. This is something that is going to take deep reflection. Sit on it for a while, what have you been ignoring against your better judgement?
Gemini: May 22- June 21
Take the high road this month Gemini. Life, you may have found has been incredibly tough as of late. Specifically, a particular person you may have found has been antagonizing you a bit. Instead of trying to argue with them or even get them to see your point of view, walk away. You can’t argue with someone who doesn’t think they are wrong. The only person who will leave affected by this situation will be yourself- and that will be one of frustration and upset.
On a less, specific “this person is antagonizing me” kind of way- The Five of Swords may signal defeat. You may just want to throw down your swords and walk away from something. You may have not realized that you needed to walk away from the beginning, but there comes a breaking point. You may have reached a breaking point where you just don’t want to fight anymore.
Cancer: June 22- July 22
Time to make good use of quarantine Cancers! Let’s be honest with ourselves for a minute, we are not hating the idea of being stuck at home. Time to take all this free time we have on our hands and channel it into something creative. We will call it a blessing in disguise. Use this time to be open to new ideas and creative projects.
You, like many, may have recently found yourself with less income, or even just a fear of losing it. If a business proposal is brought to you, especially one that takes an air of creativity, don’t brush it off quickly. If you are looking for work, keep your eyes and heart open to fields that may not be what you’re used to, but nothing something totally foreign to you. (don’t go apply to be a space engineer if you’ve always been a pet groomer, you might find yourself disappointed). But don’t get imposter syndrome, just because the role is different!
Leo: July 23- August 23
Much like your Cancer friends, this is great to see, especially in terms of career potential. We are frankly in a world crisis, and if you guys can walk away with a secure job, just as before it started, well you are the winners. The King of Wands in the future position can suggest a strong potential outcome in your career. You’ll be happy with what you’re doing, especially if you’re concerned with, or work with money.
All King’s indicate a completion of the suit they embody. As he is all about creativity, and success in the creative field. Don’t feel like because something may come to an end that this is it. It means that you’ve set yourself up for the next big thing! You’re right on track Leo, be proud of yourself.
Virgo: August 24- September 22
Virgo you may find yourself coming back to a person or situation you had once left! This could be both for a positive change or one of codependency, and fear of change. So let’s talk about those two paths. The first option is a recognition that people change. Now that being said people do not change overnight, if its too soon, what you are seeing is a lie. So really step back and pause before jumping into it again.
In the second path, you may be feeling stuck in the past, holding onto emotional baggage and not working on ways to heal yourself. We are creatures of comfort and because of that, you may find yourself in a situation that was best left lost. Don’t fall into bad situations because you’re bored, or scared of being alone. Sometimes the things most worth living for are the scariest.
Libra: September 23- October 23
Listen Libra, I empathize with you entirely. It’s so easy to be down when we have a stuck in a “prisoner of our own home” situation. You’re in a stressful situation, its without a doubt understandable. You may feel like you’re drowning a bit. But with this, there is a reminder. There is still positive happening not just in the world, but in your own little bubble. Look for it.
It’s easy sometimes to focus on the bad when it’s overwhelming us. But that doesn’t show us the whole picture. As the late great Mr. Rogers said, look for the helpers. There are good things happening in the world right now, and although there might be some highly charged emotions being thrown around, don’t find yourself focusing on the negative or worst possible outcome. Think of the hidden benefits that are currently being overshadowed by events.
Scorpio: October 24- November 22
This card warns us of tough decisions ahead Scorpios. You may find yourself this month having to make a difficult decision that requires the act of being the bigger person. Which let’s be real, that is never fun having to be the mature one, but ultimately it is for your own wellbeing. Remember to not mix emotions with your career or anything that really requires a degree of grounding for the greater good.
This card also speaks to seeking counsel or aid from someone (typically an older male presenting figure) that can give you a new perspective. Think of them as a father figure, and although their advice may be a bit outdated, there is still much to learn from it. Keep your mouth shut and listen, even if you aren’t going to implement most of it. Listen, so you can better take from it what you need.
Sagittarius: November 23- December 21
This is great to see, especially in times of global financial fear. The economy may take a nosedive, but you Saggirtatius are somehow thriving. The Ace of Pentacles represents the potential to have money, to be in a physically appealing love affair, or to have very good health.
The Ace of Pentacles is one of the more favorable cards. If you are looking for a job then this card says, “Yes!” The Ace of Pentacles can be very grounded in practicality. A simple, no-nonsense approach is sometimes best. Now, this isn’t to suggest you should be ruthless and win at whatever cost. Instead, count your blessings. Others may not be in your situation and that may leave you with some feelings of guilt. Don’t even go there. Focus on you, focus on your personal bubble. Things are good, and that’s GOOD.
Capricorn: December 22- January 20
Ah, Capricorn another good month! Seems as though two in a row is looking good on you! The Ten of Pentacles speaks to the success and leaning on our family in times we need most. And if we can’t do that in social distancing, when can we do? It’s also about passing on our privileges to those less privileged.
Remember that not everyone has the same family structure we have. Shoot, even you might not! But we all have something that others do not, and nows a time to focus on what you can provide for those who do not. This may be a simple act of donating 1 whole dollar to a charity! Or buying a homeless person a meal! Small acts are not to be discredited.
Aquarius: January 21- February 18
Well, Aquarius, there are definitely better cards we’d like to see than the Fool reversed. the Fool warns that being too naïve will result in disaster. It’s like the young girl who runs away from home at 16 only to find that she needed money and resources. Discovering that life is harder without the shelter of a home. Subsequently, he or she got into a lot of trouble.
You are not invincible, and that is normal! Don’t get weird about it, you are not the man of steel! Think through your actions before doing them, and don’t fall for people being scammers. Lots of people will take advantage of others in times of crisis. Ask for a second opinion and don’t be naive when you can help it!
Pisces: February 19- March 20
First and foremost Pisces, you are not alone. The Three of Wands Reversed indicates delays and setbacks. There are frustrations with not being able to achieve your goals. There are major frustrations and your feelings could be overwhelmed with doubts and anxieties about your uncertain future.
A lot of people are in that same boat, and although that does not invalidate your feelings, know that this is a global feeling. It’s easy to feel like the universe sets us up to feel frustrated! But this is not the case. Delays and setbacks, although frustrating, will end. It’s not a termination, just a pause. Things will be okay, it’ll just take longer than you anticipated.