Tired Witch

October Tarotscopes

Hello beautiful humans and welcome to my first month of tarotscopes! These are monthly one care draws, per your astrological sign for the month of October.

Some notable dates this month include:

Full Moon in Aries: October 13th

New Moon in Scorpio: October 27th

Samhain: Starts October 31st

Aries- Death

Aries: Mar 21 – Apr 20

Death can indicate something that is supposed to happen. You have no control over it happening. It will come regardless of any action that you take to prevent it. It can indicate the death of a friendship, a job, or a marriage. In transliteration tarot, Death translates into “no” or “not”.

The Death card can be very spiritual. It may be telling you that it’s time to evolve to a higher level spiritually. In order to do this, you’ll need to leave behind an old attitude or believe.

It can also mean the death of an idea or period in your life. It has to be quite a literal transformation though. You would have to cut something off that truly is dead.

Death is something that is forced on to you. You may not have a choice in the matter. You may have trouble letting go of old habits and Death is here to tell you that you are being forced. You do not have a choice in the matter. Death is something that is forced on to you. You may not have a choice in the matter. You may have trouble letting go of old habits and Death is here to tell you that you are being forced. You do not have a choice in the matter.

Don’t dread too much on the negative. It is what it is this month. Acknowledge it, embrace it, and let it be. Change is good for us, even if we hate it.

Taurus- Reversed King of Cups

Taurus: April 21- May 21

The King of Cups when in reverse, is a bit of a crybaby version of his upright self. The King of Cups reversed is prone to emotional outbursts,  otherwise known as a drama king.

This King can represent a level of emotional immaturity. You may be unsure what to do with your current situation through either greed or ignorance. We gain experience in how to deal with situations in our life only by experiencing them the first time. Try not to hurt how others feel, especially if you have some sort of say in the matter. Even the strongest of us can let our emotions get the better of us; jealousy, anger, and hatred can overwhelm a person. If you’re uncertain of your own feelings, then take a break, keep some distance and work it out.

The King of Cups reversed may throw pity parties for himself and dwell constantly on the past while making himself the martyr.

Gemini-The Hierophant

Gemini: May 22- June 21

The Hierophant is all about doctrine, order, and well… rules. He is all about doing the “right thing.” The right thing is the thing that is the most common. This will feel natural for many people because it’s a program that has been given to the majority of people through mass media, religious institutes and parents and teachers.

Although the intentions are pure, be careful to tread the careful line between doing the right thing, and having a god complex.

The Hierophant can urge you to relight the fire of your spirituality, religion, or whatever path you make take that has a “higher” form. It can suggest that you meditate and listen to the One Voice for guidance. Only you can decide your own fate. Listen to, and get in touch with your intuition this month. You need it.

Cancer- Reversed Three of Swords

Cancer: June 22- July 22

Okay so, reversed isn’t as painful as upright, my soft Cancer babies. The Three of Swords can go one of two ways, either; it can indicate that you are not addressing a love triangle properly. You may be caught in a love triangle, but are not doing anything about it. Or the other option that it can also indicate that you have finally let go of a hurt caused by a love affair.

The Three of Swords Reversed can indicate slowly healing.

 It’s happened, and you’re just starting to deal with it. This doesn’t just mean the loss of a relationship, but could mean to loss of a friend or loved one in any sense of the word. The stages of grief are quite well documented, and you’re on your way to recovery. Why do you need to rush to get over it? Allow yourself the time to heal, and really FEEL the emotional healing. There is no due date.

Leo- Nine of Pentacles

Leo: July 23- August 23

Okay lucky Leos, this is a great card to get for the month of October. The Nine of Pentacles, in short, mean it’s going to be a good financial month. Now, this is either going to come incredibly easy, or with a lot of hard work, and unfortunately, there is no in-between.

It’s a good card to see in the future position and should give you a sense of hope that everything will eventually work out. Think about that for a while though; do you think you’ll attain your goals and be happy, or later will you simply prioritize your goals? You don’t know where you’ll be in a few weeks time, but drawing the Nine of Pentacles suggests that your future will be bright, positive and fulfilling. Overall, things are looking pretty bright and sunny Leos, you lucky bastards.

Virgo- King of Pentacles

Virgo: August 24- September 22

Another good draw, but this time for you Virgos! When you get the King of Pentacles in a reading, something tangible is usually completing. The new management job, the selling of a house, or the success which comes from making your first million (shout out for those of you millionaires out there….lol).

The King of Pentacles in the future position can suggest a strong potential outcome, a life you are happy with if you’re willing to work for it. It isn’t about earning money, it’s about reaching your potential. You have to give it your all, through a mixture of passion, applied talent, and effort. If you have a goal in mind, you must start today. Expect good things if you are looking to start a business. The King sits on his thrown, with a head held high, but it comes with hard work and determination to get to sit on that throne. He didn’t sit on his ass, and get it handed to him. This is a throne hard-earned.

Libra- Eight of Cups

Libra: September 23- October 23

When the Eight of Cups turns up in a reading, you may want to walk away from a situation. The Eight of Cups may indicate a circular journey. It can indicate that while you presently feel like walking away from a situation, you may be returning. Therefore, the cups will be there for you when you return. Perhaps when you return, you will fill nourished and relaxed from your time spent away. You might find the cups useful to you when you return.

The Eight of Cups may also indicate that you need to sober up. You have wasted your time on drinking, drugs, or people who are useless to you. You have realized that now, and turned your back on those artifices.

Scorpio- Reversed Ten of Cups

Scorpio: October 24- November 22

In Reverse, the Ten of Cups can represent a future that isn’t quite there yet. Something is stopping you from getting to this peaceful, loving place.

It can show troubles at home this month. Whether that is with your immediate or extended family, this, of course, depends on your living situation.

Sometimes we have to take the time, to step back and to analyze your life; which parts aren’t you happy about and how can you change them? If the root of the problem is your family life, maybe it’s time for a family meeting, or in extreme cases, counseling. Who or what is stopping you from achieving your goals? If things feel very negative now, take solace in the fact that a loving, perfect future is available to you if you can find the right path to it. Look to others for help, and make sure you own mental health is in check; negative thought patterns can ruin an entire day. You need to identify and solve your issues to grow.

Sagittarius- The Fool

Sagittarius: November 23- December 21

Well Sagittarius, this is your month! Any bright ideas you’ve been toying with, new adventures you’ve wanted to start, or re-does youve been considering, October is your time to shine.

The Fool loves new ideas and can be considered a genius. He’s like the idiot savant who makes the best things happen to him without planning or thinking things through. He is also an adventurous spirit. He loves the outdoors and activities that give him a rush of adrenaline. He is not afraid to “let go” and take the plunge into new and exciting ventures.

The Fool tells us to be content with who we are, just the way we are. The Fool doesn’t worry about what other people think of him. The Fool can be very productive in this regard. To quote a very good friend, you do you booboo, and don’t pay any mind to what anyone else thinks.

Capricorn- Reversed Five of Cups

Capricorn: December 22- January 20

This month, you are seeing things from a different angle. Something will put you, or maybe already has, put you in the position of mixing things up. A recent event in your life has likely changed the way you live, and you’re now coming to terms with it.

In another angle, when we get the five of cups it’s a real ouchie! You may run into an old friend or lover that has hurt you.  You may want to patch things up. I say fuck them, but hey you little cutie roots, that’s your choice and your choice alone.

Instead of running into them, you might be recovering from a breakup or the loss of a loved one. It can also represent a mistake you have made, which you are starting to forgive yourself for. We can’t hold on to things which hold us back in life, even if we were at fault. Make things right, then learn to forgive yourself.

Aquarius- Four of Swords

Aquarius: January 21- February 18

You need a break Aquarius.

The Four of Swords is reminding you that now is a time to rest. You may want to take a relationship break. It can indicate a relationship or work break. You could also be ensnared in a troublesome mental battle of the wits, only to need the calmness that comes with rest.

Been debating the end of your relationships or quitting your job? Maybe instead of acting too rashly, take a mini holiday for you and yourself. If you still feel the same way after, then go from there.

The Four of Swords is telling you that you can heal and restore yourself by silencing your mind. Life’s battles will continue, but you cannot think of this right now. You remain silent, contemplative and ready to restore and heal yourself until you fight again. This is the peace before the next stage. This is a time to restore yourself before the next fight and to think about all that you are grateful for. You have survived the Three of Swords.

Pisces-Three of Wands

Pisces: February 19- March 20

Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched!

This month, there is an element of caution. You’ve put in a lot of hard work and are now waiting for a return on your investment. But those ships haven’t docked yet. The rewards are still uncertain.

The Three of Wands signals a time of taking something to another level. You have made the decision to work at something and now are waiting to see the results.

The Three of Wands indicates that all things seem new and possible. Your wish and hard work look like it could return a nice reward.  This is a period of clarity and concentration. But be sure to wait to get that check, before picking out your big purchase. Just wait. What’re a few more weeks? It’s not going to kill you.

Featured Tarot Deck: Lovely Omens

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