Tired Witch

A Simple Daily Tarot Spread

I’ve said several times in the past that I try and practice daily tarot readings, for myself, which I keep in a journal. Although typically, I don’t rely too heavily on a structured tarot spread, I do use this one about once a week, or whenever I need some real clarity. Typically I’m pretty loosey-goosey, one card pulls, maybe two. Or I’ll pull a handful and listen to what the cards have to say, and not the answers to any particular question. What can I say, I’m wild, or irresponsible… or just open… who’s to say.

While the card says @blackcat.magick (if you are reading this now, I have rebranded to @atiredwitch), as most of you know by now, that’s my Instagram. So I didn’t feel the need to change this for Tired Witch.

The first card, in the top middle (with the pentagram), is a daily signifier card. The general theme of the day. This card doesn’t answer any questions, but rather is a nod to the day’s energy.

1. What do I need to know today?

2. What will be positive, and shouldn’t go ignored?

3. What will today’s struggles be?

4. How can I improve today?

I’d love to see how you guys use this spread! Tag me on Instagram if you use this spread, and I’ll share it on my story!

So I thought since I shared this spread, I would also share with you, my personal interpretation of this spread from today. Just to show you have simple it really can be. I keep a journal, and I try and keep my readings for myself pretty short and sweet unless I need to write it out.

Signifier/Theme: Today will be a day of delays. It’s snowing outside, AGAIN, and very hard. Getting work done, is likely going to be a struggle. We’ve got a lot on in the next few weeks so even minor delays like a snow day (which isn’t guaranteed to be just one day) can be a huge setback.

1. What do I need to know today? Getting down on myself and having negative self-talk, over things I cannot control is unhealthy. Negative self-talk needs to be avoided.

2. What will be positive, and shouldn’t go ignored? I am doing well in my work and what I put out. I work hard, and it pays off and it shouldn’t be forgotten.

3. What will today’s struggles be? Literally speaking, it is snowing, and the sun is hiding. This can also be a nudge to the feeling down today. Both related and reflective of the day unfolding.

4. How can I improve today? Focus on my spiritual self, my intuition and what I have to offer. I have got this shit, it’s just one snowy day.

Although when I do big spreads I like to go in-depth, for myself I often keep it short. It serves a daily purpose and doesn’t need to be in-depth, I know myself and my readings well. But of course, if you wanted this to be more in-depth, this spread can be as deep or as short as you want it to be. This spread can also work for a weekly spread, it’s really up to you.

Don’t forget to tag me if you use this spread! You’re completely free to re-share it anywhere you want, just give credit!

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